Home > Artworks > PIA Cantos Floridos

Photo of PIA Cantos Floridos Mexico

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* GALLERY * PiART Born in Mexico City, professional flute player and painter from the National School of Music and National School of National School of Arts Plastiques in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She Multidimentions Participate in the Workshop with Sculptor Sebastian in the National Center of Arts (CNA), Learned the engraving techniques in the Workshop of Popular Engraving of the National...

Exhibitions carried out


Awards received

  • 2011, MUJER DEL AÑO

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See everything we offer you!
15.75 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 19.69 in

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* GALLERY * PiART Born in Mexico City, professional flute player and painter from the National School of Music and National School of National School of Arts Plastiques in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She Multidimentions Participate in the Workshop with Sculptor Sebastian in the National Center of Arts (CNA), Learned the engraving techniques in the Workshop of Popular Engraving of the National Institute of Arts (INBA), Study for tree years with the color in the workshop of Luz García Ordoñez. Work the painting composition with the painter, sculptor and engraver Byron Galves, historical friend. In the National Center of Arts (CNA) take the workshop of New Sound-Art, Acction Art and Hardware and Software Free.

Are His work sold in the National Museum of Modern Art of Mexico, presskit Gallery in Japan, Paris and United Estates. Presskit Permanent Gallery of the artist in Japan and Alberto Misrachi Gallery in Mexico City. Since 2004 PiART GALLERY create as mark.

PiART * GALLERY * Commence a l'age of six autodidactement ans, puis elle avec étude Hector Ayala et peinture profetionelment the flute before boating (UNAM), dans l'après Postgrad Unite de l'Ecole des Arts Plastiques Natrional Université Autonome Natrional du Mexique, l'engage dans le avec l'Atelier Multidimentions esculteur Sebastian, elle les étude du Graveur different tecniques Workshop will give Graphique Populaire de l'Instituto de Beaux Arts du Mexique, l'acuarelle avect l'acuarelist Roberto Vargas peinture dans l'atelier de Byron Galves, puis elle sa ampli de les tecniques conaissans et des materiels dans l'Atelier de Luz García Ordoñez. Participate give l'Atelier Sound Art, Action Art, Software and Free Hardware dans le Centre National des Arts du Mexique. Elle fait des 1990, exhibition constantement colectivment individuel dans les et Musée (including Le Musée d'Art Moderne de la Cie du Mexique 1996 at notre jour), Maisons de Culture, Institutions of Gubernement, Superieur d'Education, Institutions privés, höpitals , etc. Pandant six ans elle a travail au Japon envoiye are to travers the Galerie Presskit. Presant are Actuelment the permanentment travail dans PiART GALLERY.

* PART GALLERY * After receiving as a flutist at the National School of Music of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, joining the Post Flow Unit of the National School of Plastic Arts of the same institution, then participated in the workshop at the Center Multidimenciones National Arts led by sculptor Sebastian, learn the different techniques of printmaking in the Popular Graphics Workshop of the National Institute of Fine Arts for three years conducted studies of color in the workshop Luz Garcia Ordoñez. In 1990 I started my artistic work in stained glass. Subsequently participated in workshops Sound Art, Action Art, Video Art, Free Software and Hardware in the National Arts Centre of Mexico City. Since 2007 participated in the workshop of sculptor Jose Sacal Ceramica.

GALLERY PiART was created as a framework for promoting my work since 2004.

www.artmajeur.com / PiART



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